Public Hearing
The Public Hearing has been scheduled for Jan. 30 at 7:00 P.M. at the community park building.
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., at the Community Park Building, Mulberry Grove, Illinois 62262, a public hearing will be held by the Mulberry Grove Board of Trustees to review a Special Use Permit application submitted by GJM Holdings, LLC and Little Brother’s Butcher Shop, LLC. The application requests a special use permit to build/renovate and operate a meat processing, butchering, and meat locker plant at 115 N. Maple St., Mulberry Grove, IL 62262, which property is legally described as follows (“Property”):
A part of Lot 10, described as follows: Beginning at a point 13 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot; and thence running South 27 feet; thence West to the West line of said Lot; thence North 27 feet; thence East to the place of beginning;
The South 10 feet of Lot 10; The North 32 feet of Lot 11; and 18 feet off the South side of Lot 11 and 28 feet off the North side of Lot 12; all in Railroad Addition to the Village of Mulberry Grove, as shown on plat recorded August 14, 1869 in Deed Record 3 page 495, all situated in Bond County, Illinois;
Parcel ID Nos. 03-27-36-302-025; 03-27-36-302-026; 03-27-36-302-027
The proposed special use is to allow for a meat processing, butchering, and meat locker plant located at the Property, and at such Property to allow for the operation of a facility meeting all federal or state and all local ordinances, codes, rules, and regulations, including facilities for the humane slaughtering, skinning, defeathering, cutting up, packaging, and/or wrapping of animals or poultry. Such use shall also include, but not limited to, all uses generally related thereto such as the processing, freezing, smoking, curing, storing, and/or wholesale or retail sale of meat and related products, and the provision of any services generally related thereto. Such facility, subject to the granting of a special use permit in accordance with the Village Revised Code then in effect, (a) shall not permit live animals upon the premises except between the hours of 7 am CST and 7 pm CST, and (b), shall meet all other reasonable health and safety requirements established by the Village Board of Trustees by ordinance, resolution, or as part of the permitting process.
At the public hearing, all persons having interest in the matter shall have an opportunity to be heard. You are further advised this public hearing may be adjourned to dates and times certain without further notice. A copy of the Special Use Permit Application is available for inspection at the Mulberry Grove Village Hall, 205 N. Wood, Mulberry Grove, Illinois 62262 during normal business hours, or at https://mulberrygroveil.org/.
If you have questions regarding the Special Use Permit Application, you may direct them to Brad Criner at the Village of Mulberry Grove, 205 N. Wood, Mulberry Grove, Illinois 62262. Normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or via telephone at 618-326-8815.